Filled with a number of ambitious young people having directed and perceptive views, NKNLegal respects the youth pledge proclaimed by young Indonesians on 28 October 1928, so called "Soempah Pemuda" or "Sumpah Pemuda", which consists of three ideas :
Kami Poetera Dan Poeteri Indonesia, Mengakoe Bertoempah Darah Jang Satoe, Tanah Air Indonesia
Kami Poetera Dan Poeteri Indonesia, Mengakoe Berbangsa Jang Satoe, Bangsa Indonesia
Kami Poetera Dan Poeteri Indonesia Mendjoendjoeng Bahasa Persatoean, Bahasa Indonesia
In the English language:
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, the motherland of Indonesia
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, the Indonesian language
Filled with a number of ambitious young people having directed and perceptive views, NKNLegal respects the youth pledge proclaimed by young Indonesians on 28 October 1928, so called “Soempah Pemuda” or “Sumpah Pemuda”, which consists of three ideas :
Kami Poetera Dan Poeteri Indonesia, Mengakoe Bertoempah Darah Jang Satoe, Tanah Air Indonesia
Kami Poetera Dan Poeteri Indonesia, Mengakoe Berbangsa Jang Satoe, Bangsa Indonesia
Kami Poetera Dan Poeteri Indonesia Mendjoendjoeng Bahasa Persatoean, Bahasa Indonesia
In the English language:
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, the motherland of Indonesia
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia
We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, the Indonesian language